Sunday, August 19, 2012


The ducks are getting so big.  It's so surprising how fast they grow.  We've had them two weeks and just 14 days ago, their whole body fit in your hand.  Now, their bills are bigger.  Their feet are bigger. I would call them plump but I don't want to hurt their feelings.  Each one has a light purple mark at the end of their bill that wasn't there when they first came or now shows up because they're bigger.  Three of the seven are bigger than the other four.  We are wondering if those three are males, not working out, or hogging (or would it be ducking?) all the food.  

The bunnies are also growing.  We fed them apples tonight and they liked them.

It is hard to all the chores and still have time to play with them.

What did Holden learn?
 The ducks don't rush out of the pool when there's thunder and lightning.  
But when they finally get out, they're smart enough to go under their house.

What would Holden do?
Enjoy this time with the ducks and bunnies. 

*This entry was written around 8/10.  Photos were taken today 8/19.

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