Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ducky Day

They are here!  Mom woke me up this morning because the post office had called to say we could come pick up the box full of ducks.  At first, we had them in a little crate that our friends let us borrow but it was too small and while one was trying to escape through the chicken wire  another one was drowning in the water trough.  Too much energy in a little space.  Now we have them in the kiddie pool we hope they will eventually swim in. 
Chase is getting used to them after feeling left out.  Hopefully, he didn't pass a duck retrieving hunting class as a pup. 
They are the size of my hand.  When they fall asleep, they look like they are dead. 

We ordered six but the company sent seven.  Their names are Tenny, Memphis, Nashville, Penny, Peabody, Savannah, and Carolina. 

What did Holden learn today?
Ducks imprint FAST.

What would Holden do?
Count to 7 and breathe. 

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